Your skin's daily needs

Change in the Weather

As the leaves fall, we know there will be a change in the weather. So too will our skin as it reacts to the climate change. Now is the time, if you don’t do regular care, to see an esthetician. With the seasonal changes our skin needs additional care. Fall is the perfect time for chemical peels and microdermabrasion treatments; and not only for those in the quest of youthful skin. Even those who were consistent with their sunscreen will benefit from these treatments.

Sun damage, the majority, happens in our twenties and may not appear until as late as our fifties. These treatments help to combat the damage. Since we are constantly ageing, this will be a lifelong commitment.

Acne clients benefit as well as do those with other skin conditions such as Roseacea. As always, I stress the need of consistency in any skin care treatment; for maximum results.

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